Rota Kids

Rota Kids 2024-2025.
We have had a busy start to our school new with interviews for 2 new recruits and also we have decided to combine our Eco Club with the Rota Kids.
Watch this space for more exciting updates!
 December 2024
Following on from the success of the Clothing Swap Shop and organised a Toy Stall. £177.27 was raised and we rounded this up to help support the charity the children had chosen which was Crisis which is a charity that helps the homeless. With our support at Christmas 7 people will have a warm bed and a meal at Christmas as well as accessing mental health support.
October 2024
Interviews were held for two more Rota Kids. Our panel took it very seriously!
Thank you to DCHS for the 'loan' of past pupils and for staff spending time with us this afternoon planting bulbs with our Rota Kids.