Early Years (Nursery & Reception) 2024-2025

Welcome to Early Years, Mrs Marsden is the class teacher, supported by Mrs Manners and Miss Forrest.
Mrs Chisholm covers PE and Mrs Lewis covers RE in teachers planning, preparation and administration time.
Please see below for our long term plan for this year and our half termly topic letters alongside our timetable.
We had a great first week back, making new friends and getting used to new routines!
Please watch our video that shares our first forest school lesson of the academic year. We had great fun recapping and learning rules, bug collecting and playing with our friends.
Reception children have started their Read, write inc sessions and we have been busy practising letter formation, recognising initial sounds and beginning to blend CVC words too. 
In Maths our topic has been making a match and sorting. We have had fun doing lots of practical activities such as - pair games, finding a match and sorting monsters in different ways.
We have had fun problem solving while making water tracks with our friends and practising key fine motor skills when using tweezers and completing cutting skills tasks.
We were really lucky to look at a boys and a girls evacuee suitcase from the Bailiffgate Museum in Alnwick, we shared this as part of our learning about the war in the lead up to Remembrance Day. The children loved looking at them and talking about the items and what it would be like for an evacuee. 
We have been busy learning about feelings and how we might feel when things happen. We made our own emoticon faces with playdough, what great fun. Some of us made cool faces, happy faces and sad faces! 
We have a Forest School session every week and we have had lots of fun so far this half term. Here we are collecting bugs and making spiders using conkers.
Our chosen class charity was the Alnwick District Food Bank. We are thankful for all the donations from families across school and the food bank were very grateful. Thank you!
We loved welcoming families to our whole school Harvest service at Church before we broke up for half term, we did a marvellous job singing the song - Big red combine harvester. 
We made our own Diya Lamps for Diwali and enjoyed decorating them with bright colours and glitter for the festival of light.