Class Three (Years 5 & 6) 2024-2025

Welcome to Class 3!
On this webpage, you will find examples of what our class has been learning and discovering recently. You will also find information about timetables and events too. 
As ever, if there is anything you'd like to share or contact me for, then please feel free to contact me either through the school office, the Class Dojo or at the classroom door/ school gate.
Many thanks,
Mr Charlton
PE - Football 
Today we were learning about all parts of the foot we can use to control the ball and applying these to dribbling whilst changing speed, and movement. We also focused on finding space, attacking, defending and maintaining possession. 
House Captains
All the children in our school are part of one of the school Houses: Aidan, Bartholomew or Cuthbert. Good behaviours and great character and learning qualities are awarded with Smilies (EYFS) or Class Dojo points (Y1-Y6). For each house, we have a House Captain who have the responsibility of encouraging and motivating their house as well as inform the whole school each week of how many points have been earned.
This people who are to have this special role are voted in by the entire school on our vote day at the start of the school year after the nominees have given a speech. After votes were counted for this year's House Captains, the House Captains have been announced and have already started their roles brilliantly!
Newcastle United Foundation  football tournament 
30th October 
Autumn 1 - History: The Olympics
In Autumn 1 half-term, we have been studying the Olympic Games. This has included looking at evidence of what we know about the Ancient Olympic Games as well as why this stopped. We have then looked at the modern Olympic Games and how this has developed and progressed for all people and communities. This has been a topic that we've really enjoyed.
Open afternoon
We opened our doors once again so that parents/ carers could come into school and see some of our wonderful teaching and learning. The latest session saw all classes focus on Science in particular. Class 3 were looking at evolution and inheritance and more specifically the theory of survival of the fittest. We conducted a practical to demonstrate this theory before discussing and debating other evidence for this theory and the impact that it has on evolution and inheritance.
Rugby Festival
Here at Whittingham C of E Primary School, sport is enjoyed and is strong. With this, we are involved in many events throughout each academic year. Recently, our Class 3 children took part in a rugby festival held at Alnwick RFC and ran jointly by Northumberland School Games and Newcastle Falcons. The children enjoyed the day, developing their skills and working with children from two other local schools too.
Police visit - internet safety
On the 25th October, we welcomed Vicki Brown from Northumbria Police into Class 3 where she came to deliver a session about the internet. This covered aspects of how great the internet can be as well as the potential dangers and how to respond and protect ourselves from such risks. The children were excellent in their knowledge already and gained several pointers to become even more secure when using online devices.
Desire Lines Project          
Today the fabulous Charlie from Meta4Dance came into school for a whole day of fun and creativity. Through dance and movement we were able to tell a story conveying emotions, ideas and conversations without using words.! 
PE  - yoga 
We have been moving fluidly from one pose to another and moving in time with our breath to develop our Sun Salutation pose. This pose is developing our flexibility while being mindful and supporting our breath work.  We end each session with a short guided meditation.