Headteacher's Message

‘Hand in hand together we will become resilientrespectful and responsible citizens of our community and the wider world.’

On behalf of the staff and governors, I would like to welcome you and your child to Whittingham C. of E. Primary School. We will do all we can to make sure that the time you and your child spend, as part of our school family, is happy and successful. We aim to provide a high standard of education in a supportive, secure and stimulating environment where all children can learn and develop to their full potential. We also seek to build a trusting and well-informed relationship with families. Our staff is made up of a range of experienced, caring teachers and teaching assistants who use both modern and traditional methods to make learning as interesting and enjoyable as possible. Please contact the school for further details or for an opportunity to visit our wonderful school and in the meantime please see our School Tour - https://youtu.be/uvr-eZdEkBI
Kind Regards,
Belinda Athey - Headteacher.