
We try to ensure our online safety teaching is a high priority at Whittingham C of E.
We teach online safety in our PSHE/ RSE lessons and invite visitors into school to talk to the children.
Our Community Support Officer Judith Davies was back just before Christmas 2022 with a series of KS 2 pupils e safety workshops followed by an e safety/ Keeping Your Child Safe Online workshop with parents. During 2023-4 NSPCC and Child Aware spoke to the children about keeping safe, including online safety and we are looking forward to welcoming the police education team into school very soon.
We  also regularly try to give Safeguarding updates in our weekly Headteachers Blog and on our school Facebook and Twitter pages and via email.
Until our next meeting, in the meantime your child can access E Safety Resources on School 360 and also NSPCC Share Aware as well as speak to staff in school.
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/ and we use https://parentzone.org.uk/advice/parent-guides. The latest copy of the Digital Parenting Magazine can be found in this section.
Mrs Athey - Headteacher 
Mr Charlton lead E Safety in school.
Wake Up Wednesdays - 
As part of our online  safety sharing with parents, caregivers and the wider community we sign up to National Online Safety. Each week Mr Charlton shares the Wake Up Wednesday newsletter via email and social media as there are lots of helpful hints and tips for families to ensure the message of online safety is loud and clear.