Meet the Governors
Name | Designation Term of office - Start / end |
Mrs Sandra McCormack | Chair - LEA- 21.9.22/ 20.9.26 |
Mrs Janet Young | Vice Chair - Co-opted 12.7.19/ 11.7.23/ 11.7.27 |
Mrs Belinda Athey | Headteacher - 1.10.20 - |
Mr Neil Charlton | Staff - 21.9.22 / 20.9.26 |
Mrs Jayne Saul | Co-opted- 11.10.22 / 10.10.26 |
Mr Andrew Bell | Parent |
VACANCY | Co-opted |
Mr Charles Ashby | Co-opted -27.1.2022 / 26.1.26 |
Mrs Nicola Wood | Co-opted -31.3.22 /30.3.26 |
VACANCY | Foundation -6.5.22 / 5.5.26 |
Rev. Rich Townend | Ex officio |
Mr Andrew Whincup
Co-opted governor -26.3.21 / 25.3.25
Meet the Governors -
Following the success of our staff pen portraits each week we will be adding a new pen portrait of the members of our governing body starting with Sandra McCormack, our Chair of Governors and Janet Young, our Vice Chair.
Sandra McCormack – Co-Opted Governor + Chair
- Originally from the North East I moved to the midlands in the late 1980s. I was a frequent returnee to see close family and friends here settled here in Whittingham in 2019.
- I worked for many years as a childcare social worker in local government and national charities before moving to national government programmes such as Sure Start, Childrens Centres and Early Help(0-19yr olds). In these roles I have worked with partners across the country and I now work on a freelance basis.
- I am a parent of adult children who are both involved in education and I love nothing more than to get together with them my extended family and friends as often as possible
- Throughout my career and my family life I have been totally committed to providing children with the best start in life and supporting families in doing so. I hope that I bring a wealth of personal and professional experience to the role of governor and chair
- I hope to be able to be more visible around school as Covid19 restrictions lift but can always be contacted via school
- Something you might not know is that a few years ago, with much encouragement, support and cajoling of my daughter and my best friend I went from “Couch Potato to Half Marathon” and completed the Great North Run, enjoying it enough to do it again 2 years later.
Janet Young - Co-opted Governor and Vice Chair.
I have lived in Whittingham for more than 30 years and my young family were
brought up in the village.
I have been retired for a number of years but my background is in education, both
in main stream and special schools and as a senior manager in a local authority
setting. I wanted to do whatever I could to support my local school and
community and when the opportunity came to be a governor, I felt that I could
do something positive for the children from the locality. I am really enjoying
being involved with such a unique school.
Governor Roles 2024-5
Following our annual audit of roles and new governors joining our team the roles and responsibilities have been reviewed and are as follows. We are aware of the current nomination process for Parent Governors and that further review will be needed following this process:
Finance and Resources ( including Health and Safety and Buildings) Committee
Belinda Athey
Charles Ashby
Nicola Wood
Andrew Bell
Andrew Whincup
Sandra McCormack
Curriculum ( including resources, safeguarding and policies) Committee
Sandra McCormack
Belinda Athey
Janet Young
Neil Charlton
Jayne Saul
Reverend Rich Townend
Data and Standards Committee ( sub group of the Curriculum Committee)
Belinda Athey
Sandra McCormack
Janet Young
Andrew Whincup
Staffing Committees to be appointed depending on role and governor expertise. This generally is Sandra McCormack, Charles Ashby, Belinda Athey and Janet Young.
Headteacher Appraisal – Sandra McCormack, Janet Young and Charles Ashby led by SIP, Damian Burke.
Individual Roles -
Maths and Computing - Andrew Whincup
English, STEM/ Forest Schools / History – Charles Ashby
PE and Wellbeing - Nicola Wood
SEN/D - Janet Young
Safeguarding including Anti Bullying, LAC,Attendance Pupil Premium and Safeguarding- Jayne Saul
Art and Design and Music - Sandra McCormack
MFL and Geography - Andrew Bell
Staff link governor - Neil Charlton
RE / Worship, Church and Local Community plus Pastoral Support -Reverend Rich Townend