At Whittingham C of E Primary School, it is our intention to recognise the importance of supporting the mental health and well being of our children and staff in every aspect of daily life.
We believe that supporting pupils mental health and enabling them to develop strategies to cope when times are of vital importance.
We will ensure that staff feel adequately trained and supported, enabling them to support our children.
We will ensure that we work with professionals to develop pathways for children and staff as needed.
We want the children to understand their feelings and to know when it is important to seek advice and support from trusted adults.
To develop resilience and strategies that work for them and to use them appropriately.
We are a Thrive accredited and Place 2 Be Champions school.
Mrs Athey is the lead for Mental Health and Wellbeing
Playing and Investigating with Friends
Anti Bullying Week - Odd Socks Day
Anti Bullying Week - Odd Socks Day
Anti Bullying Week - Odd Socks Day
Anti Bullying Week - Odd Socks Day
At our school we take pride in offering a wide variety of activities to develop our bodies and our minds!
Further support:
Young Minds
Young Minds Parent Helpfinder
NHS Family Action
Winstons Wish Bereavement support
The Samaritans 24hr support
Top10 tips Supporting children advice parents
We follow the PHSE Association Programme of Study and part of this curriculum ensures that we regularly talk to the children about keeping themselves safe. The children in EY learn all about PANTS. Children in Class 1 and 2 had a virtual assembly with Ant and Dec and Class 3 were visited by the NSPCC Keep Safe Team this week. The children asked interesting questions and showed a good understanding of keeping themselves safe and who to speak to if in need of support.
In KS1 we really enjoy our PSHE lessons. We have been learning about all the different feelings and emotions that there are and how we might be feeling. We have also been looking at how we are similar and different to each other and how being unique is what makes us us!