

At Whittingham C of E Primary School, it is our intention to recognise the importance of mathematics in every aspect of daily life. We give the teaching and learning of mathematics the prominence it requires and look to embed this across all subjects as often as possible.

As we continually strive for the best outcomes for our children here at Whittingham, we have decided to use White Rose Maths Hub resources as the base to support our lessons, providing the children with well-thought through and researched-based questions that work alongside effective and sequenced teaching to embed, challenge and stretch the understanding and use of all aspects of maths across the curriculum. Teachers use this alongside other quality resources to ensure a continuous progression of maths knowledge and skills. This scheme was selected to match the direction of our school due to it being extensively researched by mathematical and teaching experts to ensure a progressive and supportive manner to develop mathematics.

Alongside this, our timetable for the day - where maths is split into two parts - assists in maximising the teaching and learning and rapid assessment, thus further supports the children in their learning.


In KS1 and KS2, we use a 'same-day intervention' approach where lessons are in two 30 minute parts. There is also dedicated time within each class where we address any misconceptions or where a child is not fully secure in their understanding/ application, further support is given. This follows our approach of 'keep up, not catch up', enabling all children to leave a session of maths feeling confident, supported and making progress.

Within our lessons, prior knowledge, revision of facts and key knowledge are built upon and practised before the children work independently and have the opportunity to apply these skills and language. Through our active marking, staff are able to consistently check and ensure that every child has the correct level of challenge and support so that they can achieve and progress. We ensure that revision and introduction of key vocabulary and skills is built into each lesson.


We want the children to develop a love of language and exploring the exciting world of Maths!

As the children develop their vocabulary, these will be displayed on each classroom's working wall for children to refer to during the lesson.

We will measure the impact of their learning through consistent, active marking and key questioning, child-led assessment and summative assessment.

We understand that it is extremely important that our children understand and use technical vocabulary within each curriculum area and have developed Key Instant Recall Fact Booklets for each age group.
Maths Workshop
To help support the teaching and learning of maths both within school and for homework, Mr Charlton has delivered a Maths Workshop to parents and carers. The resources and information that was shared during that session can be found below.
As ever, if you have any questions then please feel free to contact your child(ren)'s Class Teacher or Mr Charlton.
Youtube video links that show Mr Charlton's demonstrations of two other methods that we teach that are not shown within the calculation documents.
The 'Lattice Method':
'Bus-stop' with multiples:
Times Tables Rock Stars
We are delighted to have subscribed to the highly effective and proven resource Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) - an online (app or website) resource that is designed to make learning and practising times tables fun and engaging for children. We will be using this resource for our Y1-Y6 children as part of their maths work within school as well as to assist with their times tables homework each week.
Below is a link to an information video for parents/ carers as created by TTRS themselves that gives details about the programme.
There is also the TTRS parent/ carer 'Cheat Sheet' as a link on this webpage for maths too that provides further information and some handy tips and answers to FAQs.
If you need anything further to this then please feel free to get in touch.
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Key facts booklets
In Class One, we enjoy our Maths lessons. We do a mix of practical and written sessions where we can use the practical resources to help us work out our answers. Resources we use include part-whole models, base 10, tens frames, counters, cubes and resources relating to our aspects such as shapes, money, jugs, scales and rulers.